A Summer Morning...

Monday, May 26, 2008

It's officially summer, even though I have to go in to work for half a day tomorrow...it's still summer. We slept in, as much as you can with a baby (8 am), and didn't have to do anything.

It was glorious...everything I dreamed it would be.

Sarala and I shared some Golden Graham cereal and watched some cartoons. She then proceeded to sneak off with the box, go sit down by the couch, and eat.

I thought "okay, she'll do fine." Well, as she was finished, she then took out the bag of cereal and with me telling her "no," dumped Golden Grahams on the floor.

This was an expected treat for Montana.

She's a crazy little babe...Sarala. I love it.

This little "episode" got me thinking about discipline. I'm really trying to do her justice by being fair and consistent. She knew not to dump the cereal, cried as I told her no, and was sad that she had to sit in the chair for a minute.

I also know that this isn't that big of a deal in the big scheme of things. I just need to deal with it and move on. She knows that I love her. She'll also know her story, how God has healed her and how it took miracles from God so that she could be with us. He loves her. We used to refer to her, and still do I guess, as God's baby because of her time in CA without us. He has surely blessed us with a beautiful, wonderful baby girl.

It got me thinking about Psalm 78:4, which I heard at church this weekend:

We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders

We, as Christ-followers, definitely have a role in this...telling people about the "glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty works." We all have our own examples of this. I love that Sarala will always have her story and hopefully it will serve as a continuous reminder of how much God loves her.

Here are some other passages that I heard this weekend:

Proverbs 19:18

Discipline your children while you still have the chance;
indulging them destroys them.

and Psalm 127:3

Children are a blessing
and a gift from the LORD.