I Should Probably Be Packing...

Friday, May 30, 2008

By the time this posts, I'll be in Montana...hopefully enjoying some good weather (I'm hoping, but the forecast doesn't look so good). I'm going to try and continue blogging every weekday so there will be updates posted...hopefully pictures too.

From Wednesday, May 28th:
I'm sitting here "packing" my iPod, making sure it's loaded with all the good stuff...music, photos, and video. It'll be interesting to get with old friends and compare the music we're into. I've also got a bunch of photos and videos that need to be shared.

God wired me to love music. Not just the listening part, but the playing part of it too. Music has always been, and continues to be a big part of my life. I grew up playing the violin with an orchestra and symphony. I now play weddings, graduations, and the like with it. I've picked up playing the guitar in college and now play on the weekends at church. I've got a mandolin that I'm teaching myself to play. I love music.

All kinds, from classical, bluegrass, some hip-hop, punk, rock, praise...etc. I enjoy listening to the musicianship of singer-songwriters, full orchestras, bands, Native American drum groups and praise teams. The stuff I enjoy the most are live performances. I don't know what exactly it is, but the "raw-ness" of live music is unlike anything else. A lot of what I've been listening to lately is "live" recordings of stuff. I'm planning some concert trips this summer. The stuff happening with the gas prices threatens how much of that I'll get to do. Oh well.

I'm not too sure where this post is going, but that's how my mind has been...getting ready for this trip. I've felt overwhelmed almost...not sure what I need to be working on. Crystal has done the majority of the actual packing. I've been playing with Sarala to keep her out of things. That's not a bad job if you ask me.

I guess what I'm thinking about is the concept of "working smarter, not harder." I've got some plans for my classroom next year that have me excited. It'll be the first time I'll just have taught...no coaching. The time that will be free will be amazing. The goal though is to keep it "free," not to fill it up with other crap just because it's there. I can get a lot done if I focus my energy.

Why don't I do that with my relationship with God? If I put any effort into it that I do when I'm messing with my iPod, live recordings, just playing or listening to music...that's a ton of time when you think about it. That's a goal this summer, to refocus my energies so that they further reflect my priorities. My energy reflects my priorities pretty accurately right now, but God...like I say he does and should, be at the top of my list. He's not right now and that's my goal...to get Him to that point...since He's blessed me with so much.

Well, until next time...Here's a video shot from Dyersburg, TN...a concert I actually attended...and then got a chance to talk to Andy Osenga afterward about guitar stuff...pretty awesome! The song is called "When Will I Run"...and the chorus fits pretty good with this post "When will I run to the arms of God..."


Anonymous said...

Wade, Crystal and Lala,
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you all and wondering how your trip is going. Hope all is well. We will continue to pray God's blessings on you while you are there. Hope Lala did OK on the plane ride there.
See ya soon!