The Roller Coaster...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

God is pretty amazing. Life is pretty amazing. I felt as if life was droppin' bombs and now God is droppin' peace. I feel like I've gone through a bunch of emotions in the past few days. Mainly, I've been in a low point. Seems like a lot has gone wrong. My mom and brother are am I. I haven't enjoyed my job. I haven't enjoyed my family. I've been tired. Notice, a lot of "I's" listed. The thing that is amazing though is I feel renewed. I'm still physically tired, but I feel renewed. The parts about me being vulnerable and actually asking for help is what calm things down. This can only happen because I stopped trying to fix things myself. That's what stuff like this does...causes me to realize "I CAN'T" but God can. I just need to ask. Also, His plans are far better than what I've got going I'll trust that He knows best and I'll try and follow. Thanks for the prayers.

Thank you God for everything, the blessings, the fact that you take care of me and love me for me.

The interesting thing I've noticed is that this and my last post are just about 12 hours apart....