Apparently I am a Genius...!?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We ate breakfast at the Cracker Barrel on Friday before we went to get our new car. The little know...the one that entices you with it's simplicity and challenge...was there on the table. I normally don't get a chance to toy with such things due to Sarala needing supervision, but she was doing a good job coloring and hanging out while we were waiting for our food to come. I decided to give it the "ol' college try", being a college graduate and all;)

I was able to complete the thing on the first try and then again later. So...apparently, I'm a genius since I left one tee standing.... There you go;)


Crys said...

Don't let it go to your head...

fish said...

Anybody can pull all the pegs out and just leave one. you had to jump them in order to take them off the board. Nice try!