What are the chances...?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So, we went to Applebee's last night for dinner and a woman in the booth next to us commented on my "Montana State U." lanyard. I usually don't wear a lanyard, but I'm trying to get back in the habit since the lanyard is how I carry my school keys. Anyway...she asks if my lanyard says Montana State? I reply "Why, yes it does." It turns out that I was speaking to a fellow Montanan. She was even from my hometown of Billings...Yellowstone Ave. I totally know where that is.
It turns out that her husband is from Fred-town and she has lived in MO for 6 and a 1/2 years. I've been here about six myself. So, we continued to talk and it also turns out that she is a cousin to another teacher in my hallway. Crazy?! It's not everyday I meet another Montanan. Also, this Montanan being from the same town made it pretty awesome. Small world eh? It's not everyday you roll into...well...anywhere around here and meet someone from Montana. It made my day!