Under Pressure...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.
James 1:2-4, 12
I've been thinking about this idea of "fearless faith" since the weekend. Faith under pressure...under pressure making me think of the Queen/David Bowie song of the same name. This idea of "believing God's truth versus the facts" was mind-blowing for me. Sarala's journey has been our journey. It has done marvelous things with my faith-life...showed me that I need to believe God...no matter what. It was tough and there were doubts...but ultimately peace and guidance came through much prayer...seeking God. I talked to him so much through those times...makes me ashamed that we don't talk as much now. I learned some amazing life lessons that have forever changed my perspective and attitude. I still struggle with things, but I am confident that God is working...regardless of what I am seeing or experiencing.

Though facts can look daunting...God is bigger than all of that. It has done exactly what James is talking about above...I've been rewarded life and more life through Sarala. Amazing...truly amazing!

I love the way James says this (the message translation) "You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors." How true this is. Faith-life. Do you have a faith-life? It's interesting how God works as circumstances, trial, fire bring our faith out into the open. We get to see where we are lacking...that's where God can make up for what we don't have or can't do.

So...I leave you with this...how is faith-life holding up these days? Have hope...be encouraged...talk to God...and remember that you've got people around you who can provide an ear to listen and help if needed.