
Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a God! His road
stretches straight and smooth.
Every God-direction is road-tested.
Everyone who runs toward him
makes it.
Psalm 18:30
Clarity...I look at the photo above and can clearly see a beautiful flower. I saw this flower that way...and am excited that I was able to capture what I saw with my camera. Clarity is not a word I would use to describe my recent mental state. My mind has been a wreck...there...I've said it. It has...and it's very unlike me. I look back at my journey...the past few weeks to be specific and see the confusion, sadness, and anger that permeated every aspect of my life. Usually if school sucks and drains me...I can come home at disconnect. For some reason...I couldn't. I've had many conversations with all sorts of people as to what I need to do about this. Having said that, I'm grateful for the people that God has placed around me. I look at the relationships that I've been able to develop and the rest and peace I've received in return. It's amazing how it works like that. I look at the words in this passage from Psalm 18 and the simplicity floors me...Everyone who runs toward him makes it.

I'm sorry Crystal for what you've had to put up with...with me being all stressed out about work and pouring it out at home. I can only do what I can do...that's it. Your love and support is something that has pulled and pushed me through...even though I don't say it near enough. And...that little girl of ours...amazing. This passage is a reminder...everyone makes it. I'm running towards God...I'll make it. Stop worrying Buckman...keep heading in the direction of God.