The Girls...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God's a safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax;
you're never sorry you knocked.
Psalm 9:9
As the basketball season edges ever closer...I continually realize that I am not coaching anymore. I still get called "coach", but am "retired"...more like "taking a break"...for now. I spent five years coaching high school girl's basketball and loved every moment of it. Since the arrival of the baby girl, things have drastically changed. Perspective now has a much greater scope...thus my "retirement." I was part of some great teams though that accomplished some awesome things...set records for wins in a season, players who scored an amazing amount of points, players who went on to play at the collegiate level, and a chance to head into the state tournament twice. I've had the chance to positively affect lives along the way, while hopefully teaching them something about the game of basketball.

It's now fall and the season nears...I'm not an official part of it. The main reasons are the individuals in the picture above. The girls. I love my girls. My wife has been very supportive during those long stretches of road games in Kingston and Perryville (in the same week) and has cooked many an awesome meal for late-night post-game dinners. The baby girl is always ready with a hug and kiss regardless of the day I've had. It doesn't matter how bad we got beat, how bad we played, how bad the school day was...I could always come home and find rest with the girls. God's in the house...and has blessed me with a wonderful wife and awesome baby girl that I love very much.

I'm beginning to appreciate the time I've never had as long as I've been employed at AV. This is the first year that I'm "just" a teacher. It's been rougher than I anticipated, but I'm thankful for the time. My experience with coaching is something I'll never forget and is something that I'll draw upon if or when I re-enter the profession. comes down to the peace that God can provide it times of chaos, sadness, stress...etc. I'm blessed to have the support that surrounds me. Friends, family, my wife and baby girl...the time I'm getting to spend with them is awesome. Even when life is and peace prevail. Like the Psalm says above...
God's a safe-house for the battered,
a sanctuary during bad times.
The moment you arrive, you relax;
you're never sorry you knocked.
Psalm 9:9


fish said...
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fish said...

Sorry, my first comment had far to many mispelled words. What I posted was, although it look like it was in another language,.....It is good to see a person who realizes that they are blessed with certain things. You are truly blessed with the girls, but then the girls are also blessed with you.