Some Amazing People...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10
God is pretty awesome. He knows exactly what to do to keep us going, encouraged, reminding us that He loves us. This can happen through his creation...people.... I just returned from our first life-group gathering of the year and I'm fired up. God is doing some amazing things and I'm excited for what's next. Our group has already "launched" a new group and God immediately filled our empty seats. How awesome?!

Again, another opportunity to share life with someone. The picture above comes from my visit to Montana...a great time of rest and a refresher from an exhausting school year. I've been in a similar state of mind...chaotic...needing rest and God dropped some stuff on me this weekend that felt like a punch in the head. I don't need to feel insecure about what I'm doing...God's put me where I am for a reason. I need to continue to trust him...and remember that I'm loved and covered through Christ.

So...the title says something about amazing people. I've been blessed with the chance to lead an amazing group of people through our life-group. I've seen things play out that I've only read about in the bible.... The growth and development has been awesome. It only looks to continue...with some new individuals. Why wouldn't we want to share our experiences with everyone? So, I thank God for this chance, the chance to lead, the chance to share life with his people, the chance to life a full and abundant life.

The verse above serves as a piece of encouragement...again from Paul. Sometimes it can seem like we're not making much progress...but God is working...doing His thing. Where do we begin...

"with the people closest to us in the community of faith."