Now What...?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

As a face is reflected in water,
so the heart reflects the real person.
Proverbs 27:19
This verse has been a focal point for me in the past couple days. I'm in a strange place right now. Actually...I'm at home, which is strange because I should be working. A sick child has kept me home though. Back to this strange place...I'm talking about my mental state, passion, energy. I'm trying to figure out my next step in life...should I continue education, and if what? I'm also trying to be the best teacher I can be but I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much. We're on the verge of trying something new to do what's best for our kids. Change. I usually don't mind change...but there's a selfish part of me that says..."let's just maintain." I overruled that part yesterday by stating..."Yes...let's go for it." I figured that I'd worry about the details as they come along. So far so good.

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping and life. I've never had this problem before so it's really affecting me. I should be working on some stuff...but it seems like all I do anymore is work on stuff for school. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere with any of it. Then there's the deadlines and then more stuff gets piled on. It feels like I'm just putting out small fires all over the place...which are close to becoming one big fire. My home life has become disorganized as a result. The bedroom at home has become quite cluttered as has Sarala's bedroom. Not dirty, just disorganized. I don't want to spend my waking hours just doing "stuff." I realize that I must get this back in order so can I reorder everything else in my life and mind. So...this is the strange place in which I find myself...trying to get out.

Now it's time to check my reflection...does my life truly reflect my heart? My passion and talent...are they being used like they should? Sorting this out may take some time but it's a necessity if I am to get out of this strange place. Alright...enough said...back to some sub-plans for tomorrow, then off to work on curriculum, then to game duty tonight. My life seems like it's been busier this year than ever...and I'm not even coaching anymore or taking classes...what the heck?


Jo said...

I kinda understand how you feel. School for me this year is just a bundle of chaos. I have some much other junk at school that I don't feel that I am the teacher I need to be. I will be praying hard for you man. You are an awesome servant of God.. never forget that.. Just give this to God and trust that he will take care of you and your family. You have made a difference in my life and I thank you for that.