"How About Whole Foods?" I Asked....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We were in Chicago two summers ago when Sarala was almost 2.

Sarala slept in the far backseat of the vehicle as we drove around...trying to figure out where we would eat.

The question, as a joke...as we drove past a Whole Foods was:

"What about Whole Foods?"

Sarala was sleeping in the very backseat of the vehicle at the time.

Hadn't made a sound.

At the sound of me saying Whole Foods...she says



and then I made the comment that we're definitely not hitting up Whole Foods with Sarala.

Fast-forward to this past weekend....

We find ourselves at Whole Foods with Sarala.

As we were inside Sarala proceeds to say

"I don't like this place."

Sarala...apparently has this inherent dislike of Whole Foods.

Her partiality may lie with Trader Joe's...as does mine.

Who doesn't love a place with small-child carts...like TJ's?