I planned on...

Monday, November 17, 2008

My plan this evening was simple. Hang with the fam...get some work done...bust out a blog...then to bed in the nine o'clock hour. It is just about ten o'clock and I'm sitting here listening to Sarala cry as she tries to fall asleep. She has a double ear infection and is not herself. I'm debating whether or not to stay home with her tomorrow...which I guess will be a game-time decision. It's amazing how I had all these things I wanted to get done tonight.... The small child needed me so that's what we did. We played a little, read, tried to eat some food, watched tv, gave her a bath, and talked on the phone with grandma.

Life tends to happen like this though...plans...then something comes up and the plans are non-existent or changed. As I watched Sarala listen to a story on the couch...I thought about how much I love this little girl. She has changed my life. My perspective, tolerance, patience, everything.... I would do anything for her.

As I finish up this post...she stops crying...almost. As I typed this...the crying came back...a jinx on my part I guess. So...here is to the blog...I'll get to you here as soon as I can. We've got lots to talk about. Alright...good night.


fish said...

Your a great dad, Wade !