Don't Sad...Be Happy....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make the Most of What God Gives After looking at the way things are on this earth, here’s what I’ve decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that’s about it. That’s the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s given and delighting in the work. It’s God’s gift!

God deals out joy in the present, the now. It’s useless to brood over how long we might live.

Ecclesiastes 5:17b-20

Sarala will tell you "Don't sad, be happy" if you're looking a little worried/tired/stressed/sad. She is happy regardless of the situation surrounding her. My wife and I care for this little girl and make sure all of her needs are meet or exceeded...we pour our lives and resources into her. God does this on a much grander scale...and if we're "lucky" we are working in a job that some could say is our "calling" and are blessed beyond what we deserve or even need in most cases. It's on us to realize this and accept that it's a gift of God. Yes...even our work is a gift. I thank God for allowing me to do something that I love....something I think I'm great at...and to make pretty decent money doing so...and have whatever we need or want....