Taken Back...

Monday, October 26, 2009

I am not a big fan of country music. Never have been...probably never will be. Now...I can listen to some...good music is good music.

There is a reason though...why I can't, notice how I didn't say don't...but can't listen to it(I can't like it as Sarala would say).

I was reminded today of why I don't...and can't...listen to it.

I was driving back from Fred-town and was wanting something different (I've basically had two albums in rotation in my vehicle, which are both fantastic albums by the way: DC*B's Church Music and Fee's Hope Rising).

I figured I would see what was playing on the radio. As usual...the stations were fuzzy...Z107-7...not in the mood for thePoint (a lot of the newer stuff sounds strikingly similar)...JoyFM...B104...the hit station out of cape.

There was one station though...that always comes through. We depend on it for news, weather, sports scores...and...kickin' country. Good ol' J98.

Since it was Sunday afternoon...the playlist was comprised of older stuff.

The music instantly took me back to when I was younger.

We would spend time on the rez...which is the reservation for those of you who haven't heard that before. Whenever we traveled that direction...northeastern MT...Ft. Peck...it felt as if you were stepping back in time...heading into isolation.

Now..the only station that come through up there played country music. I always made sure that I had my Walkman on me...remember those? Yes...but sometimes I would forget and...being a smaller child...usually didn't participate in conversation. What would I end up doing? Listening to the radio.

Mind you...again...it wasn't necessarily current stuff so it actually felt as if we stepped back in time...that we were disconnected from the modern world.

I was transported back to those days as I was driving on 72 back to AV.

I don't really miss those days....

Music...Smells...those are primarily the things that trigger memories for me.

How about you...anything triggered lately?