A case of the "Mondays", even though it's Thursday...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life is pretty amazing. Awesome one minute, horrible the next. We all experience it. Many of us hit circumstances as we trudge through the work week. We find ourselves saying, like I do from time to time...is it Friday yet? How long is this week? What's happening?

It's not always the bad things though that wear on us. I'm very tired now...worn out. I thought that this Friday was May already...which means I lost a week and have now gained it back realizing it's only April 25th. Wow. It seems like my job, which I do enjoy, can get pretty busy without a blink of an eye.

I'm trying to finish up my career ladder hours, those curriculum objectives that are due, and also a trip to San Francisco. I've also traded morning duty with someone so that I'm covered next week, but means that I came in early today. Not the best start to a Thursday, but it is Thursday. Almost there. Looking into tomorrow, we'll be on a plane to San Francisco by 10 am. Are my lesson plans done yet? Almost...which means that I'll have to make it happen today. I am happy though. The negatives can't be the focus when my life is so wonderful. Yes, it can be crazy and bad things happen from time to time, but I'm surrounded by great friends, have a job I enjoy, am blessed with an awesome family, etc. It's a choice. That's what I said. I'm choosing to remain happy even though life is pretty crazy right now. Also, there's a God who loves me regardless of myself. So, what does it mean to live a happy life? It's one thing to try and not let circumstances get you down...but to truly be happy? I love what this says...from Philippians 2:

Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God.

We all agree that our world isn't the best place. The Arcadia Valley isn't always the best...but I'm ready to go out into AV as a breath of fresh air. It seems like a lot of people focus on the bad stuff, and therefore all they talk about is negative. That can get you down. I would love to be that breath of fresh air, the one who people look to talk to when times are bad because their outlook on life is positive and their happiness is infectious. That's what gets people thinking. It's not our talking, but our lives. The way we live, does it reflect how happy we are...or are we focused on other things...negative things? God has done some awesome things in my life, one of which concerns little Sarala and the blessing it is to have her in our lives. We go to California and come back with a daughter. Amazing. So, be happy...even though it is raining...which means inside recess;) Oh well, life is good. God is good. Be a breath of fresh air for somebody today. It's infectious. Soon that'll spread. Much better than gossip or complaints...which I've had some complaints lately. Choose "happy."