Slowing/quieting down to listen...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!
James 1:21-22
Humility. opposed to just "hearing." James is pretty straightforward here...harsh. This is a serious matter though...affecting those around us, us, and the opportunity for God to use us. It's about listening...before acting or letting thoughts...words come out of our mouth. How often do we do things, talk to people, make major decisions without listening for what God may have to say on the matter? Does this need to happen for everything? I guess we probably don't need to wait and hear from God if we're trying to figure out whether to get the Baylee Jo's Special or the Baylee Jo's Cheeseburger...though it is a tough decision in itself.

Back to the matter though...the Word. How I've neglected the Word as of late. I tend to not seek much from God when life is going good...smooth. There...I've said it.... Also harsh. Also...I give so much of my time to stuff that really doesn't matter. I come home from a crazy day at work and what do I do...sit down in front of the TV and "zone" for awhile. If I've had a tough would probably do me a lot more good to come home...quiet myself, my head...and listen to God...and there it is...the key. Listen! Then comes the "Act on what you hear!" part. Too often I do things on my own and from my own understand. So...this is where I find myself right now...trying to remedy this by taking some time to read...quiet...listen.

Crystal left work today sick...and I don't mean just "sick"...but SICK...horrible, flu-like sick. Is it the flu...I hope it's not...but we'll see. She's doing better tonight after resting and was able to keep some crackers and carbonated soda down. Sarala went to bed early and it's left time for me to be quiet...out of necessity since the wife's sick and the small child's sleeping, turn the tv off and

There is so much truth in the Word...from God. Hope. Life. Love. Available to all who want it.
As James says above, we need to...let our gardener, God, landscape you (us) with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your (our) life (lives). Imagine the world around your...your immediate different it would be if we were to let God make a salvation-garden out of our lives. This is an amazing in Jesus...God-centered. Why wouldn't we want everyone and anyone to experience this also? We need to listen...take what God is giving us...speaking into us...around us...and act, not the inverse.

So, as you go into the rest of the week...listen for those whispers from God. There it may be quiet...may result in us having to be intentional about seeking him...listening...being quiet...still. I challenge you to join me in this...see what happens!