One Year Later...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's almost Christmas 08. I think that it's pretty amazing. We live in a culture where people we have...special pj's for Sarala to wear Christmas morning. The way the news/media talks about the economy you would think that there wouldn't be the craziness present around the major shopping spots. There were so many people shopping today...the parking lots were full...people were making some BIG purchases.... We tried to stick to a budget and did a pretty good job of doing so, if I may say so myself.

What has happened though...Christmas? I saw a sign today...didn't have the camera...that advertised pictures with "Baby Jesus and a kneeling Santa." was over by the time I was shopping in this particular "Christian" establishment. Hmmm...a picture with Baby Jesus? I wonder how these turned out...what they look like? I can't conceptualize it. Even though the saying goes..."is the reason for the season"...this is a little crazy. So...after some shopping...trying to smile amidst all of the craziness...some Red Robin...we're back home.

What a gift we have been given...? God's son...only son....


Anonymous said...

Red Robin! I ate at the one in Chesterfield with the Goldsmith gang last Sunday. First time - won't be the last!

WB said...

The "Baby Jesus" thing always will remind me of the scene from Talladega Nights..."Dear Baby Jesus..."