Who Are You...?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hello Blog, it's been awhile. I didn't disappear. I even received an e-mail from my mom asking if I'm still alive or just busy. I realize that the frequency of my posts could prompt such an inquiry...but alas...I just got really busy...suddenly. It seems like life hit...and now it's Tuesday evening and I'm sitting at school typing this. Why am I at school? Well...I spent the day in Rolla at a workshop and am now participating in "Lights On Reading" and waiting for parents to swing in. I figured I'd take the seemingly free moments I've gotten and bust out a blog post.

My world has been rocked as of late. Nothing bad, just reminded of the need that affects so many families...and most of the time we're not even aware. I've been blessed with the opportunity to get to a know a family in the past couple days and my life is different because of it. Their experiences and circumstances are heartbreaking and humbling. God is already doing some amazing things in this situation and I'm expecting more. Well...I've got to get some stuff ready for tomorrow but I do have a blog post about my thoughts and experiences of the past few days in the works. It's saved...I just need to finish it...if I ever get a chance to sit down. Well...until next time...and hopefully it's not days later... ;)


Brian Beard said...

Wade, I could not agree more with your twitter about being in awe of what God is doing in AV. I am so thankful for my local Church and it's mission! Many people critize churches and people in churches quite often... I know, cause I've been there and done that in the past...But what they forget is that God's way of changing our world is the Church, and that will never change!!! Yes, people and churches make mistakes and we may not always agree with how they do things, but it does not do anybody any good to sit back and unconstructively critize the church without doing so in love or in the right manner... I love being apart of a church whose leadership I trust and mission I can feel I am a part of. I cannot wait to take missions to the next level in our community and beyond as we develop plans and develop people/leaders who will fuel the passion behind this... thanks for being one of those people Wade! I love it when Jesus shows up in people's lives and in communities... I have a BIG feeling that MANY more amazing things are in store!!! Thanks for your blogs... Keep on Keeping On!!!

Brian Beard said...

I said critize... that is slang for criticize

WB said...

slizzang...eh? Yes...I couldn't agree more...God is up to something and I'm excited that we're getting a chance to play a role...thanks man