
Monday, May 2, 2011

The world seems like such a different place since last night...

since the "news"...

but then again,

is it?

I say this because things...


have been in motion regardless of my knowledge or awareness.

It's time to stay focused.

I've got some projects in the works that will get a little help...I hope...from this blog.

One of these projects is the Backpack Impact program.

I also need to get back into a regular habit of posting to the blog...a routine.

This is my 1st foray back into the blog.

Tomorrow...time to elaborate on the mission and background of Backpack Impact.

Oh blog...how I've neglected thee...

Monday, March 28, 2011

In all seriousness...totally didn't mean to neglect you for....


It's been almost a year?!

And what is this...Goonies?!

Well...it's almost time for my return to the blog....

Updates of the journey thus far,

the happenings in the journey,

the past 10 months.

The journey continues to be amazing and beautiful.

A "re-boot" of sorts in the works,


Stay tuned...!